

John Parker

My lab is interested in host-cell-virus interactions. We primarily study mammalian orthoreoviruses. Current projects include: mechanisms of viral compartmentalization and commandeering of the host translational machinery; viral mechanisms of counteracting the innate immune response; ...
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Colin Parrish

We study viruses of animals, focusing on those that have jumped from one host to another. The main subjects of study include the canine parvovirus, which emerged in 1978 to cause a pandemic in ...
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Brian Rudd

My lab is focused on understanding basic principles of immunity against infection and age-related changes that alter immune responses in early life. We also are interested in determining how environmental factors (maternal diet, microbiome, ...
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David Russell

We study the biology of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and HIV-1 infections in the context of our evolving appreciation of myeloid cell heterogeneity in vivo. Our studies extend to human subject analysis in Malawi and South ...
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Gary Koretzky

Our work has focused on the molecular events important for immune cell development and function with a particular interest in the signaling events initiated by surface receptor engagement. We have been particularly interested in ...
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Cynthia Leifer

There is a fine balance between appropriate, host-protective, immune responses and dysregulated autoimmune and pathologic inflammation. The Leifer lab investigates how immune responses are induced and regulated with the hope of developing treatments to ...
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Xiaojing Ma

We investigate (1) how UBR5, a novel protein ubiquitin ligase frequently altered in human cancers, promotes tumor metastasis by regulating epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) in a cell intrinsic manner;(2) to identify UBR5’s E3 ...
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Weishan Huang

We are interested in the genetic and environmental factors that regulate regulatory lymphocyte development and function, and how they interact to regulate immune homeostasis.


Sabine Ehrt

The lab is interested in the pathogenesis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and explores the mechanisms by which this pathogen establishes and maintains persistent infections.


Hector Aguilar-Carreño

The main focus of my research program is to elucidate key components in enveloped viruses and their host cells that: 1] mediate viral entry into cells, 2] elicit cell immune responses, and 3] mediate ...
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