

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) affects over 2 million Americans.  While advances in medical therapy have improved the care of IBD patients, many still suffer from refractory disease with significant morbidity.  IBD includes two distinct ...
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Mammals and their microbiota have co-evolved for millennia through periods of fluctuating or limited food availability. Therefore, restricting dietary intake could have the potential to restore our physiological state to one compatible with our ...
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Dr. Artis completed his doctoral research training at the University of Manchester, UK focusing on regulation of immunity and inflammation in the intestine. Following receipt of a Wellcome Trust Prize Traveling Fellowship, he undertook ...
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The mammalian gastrointestinal tract is colonized with diverse commensal microbial communities consisting of bacteria, fungi and viruses. The Iliev Laboratory studies the interaction between this commensal microbiota and the immune cells at the mucosal ...
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My current research explores epigenetic and environmental mechanisms of disease in the setting of the immune system with emphasis on the metabolic disease and interactions with infectious and neurological disease.


Characterize host and bacterial pathways that are important in Mycobacterium tuberculosis survival in the host and identify targets whose inhibition will render Mtb more susceptible to host defenses.


Ari Melnick

We explore epigenetic mechanisms that are required to drive the humoral immune response, and how disruption of these mechanisms cause malignant transformation into lymphomas.


Kyu Rhee

We are interested in the chemical biology of metabolism as a mediator of the host-pathogen interaction. We focus specifically on Mycobacterium tuberculosis and its ability to both asymptomatically infect and cause disease in humans.


Lionel Ivashkiv

Dr. Ivashkiv’s laboratory investigates the pathogenic mechanisms of cytokines in inflammatory and musculoskeletal conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteolysis and orthopaedic implant loosening/failure, and systemic lupus erythematosus. He is interested in how cytokines and ...
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