My lab is interested in cytokines as therapeutics. Our goal is to control the immune system without using cells. We design polymers to extend the interleukin’s half-life in vivo.
My lab is interested in cytokines as therapeutics. Our goal is to control the immune system without using cells. We design polymers to extend the interleukin’s half-life in vivo.
The structure and function of viral envelope proteins, how genomic mutations lead to changes in the envelope proteins and control viral pathogenesis in influenza viruses and coronaviruses,SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV and feline coronaviruses; novel vaccines and ...
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My lab is interested in host-cell-virus interactions. We primarily study mammalian orthoreoviruses. Current projects include: mechanisms of viral compartmentalization and commandeering of the host translational machinery; viral mechanisms of counteracting the innate immune response; ...
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We study viruses of animals, focusing on those that have jumped from one host to another. The main subjects of study include the canine parvovirus, which emerged in 1978 to cause a pandemic in ...
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I am interested in the interaction between the immune and endocrine systems, in particular how tissue-specific immune cells in reproductive and endocrine tissues regulate hormone production and action.
My lab is focused on understanding basic principles of immunity against infection and age-related changes that alter immune responses in early life. We also are interested in determining how environmental factors (maternal diet, microbiome, ...
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We study the biology of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and HIV-1 infections in the context of our evolving appreciation of myeloid cell heterogeneity in vivo. Our studies extend to human subject analysis in Malawi and South ...
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My lab develops and uses advanced optical techniques to observe and manipulate in vivo biological systems, with the goal of constructing a microscopic-scale understanding of normal and disease-state physiological processes in the central nervous ...
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My lab studies mechanisms of genome maintenance and consequences of genome instability. Such consequences include cancer, cellular senescence, impacts on stem cells, and lethal levels of inflammation.
Given that a) the majority of the world is either over- or under-nourished; and b) diet and nutrition-related factors represent the largest proportion of risk factors for global mortality and morbidity, we often use ...
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