*Applications Closed*
Multidisciplinary Seed Grants in Immunology
The Cornell Center for Immunology invites applications for funding to pursue multidisciplinary research projects in Immunology for up to $50,000. Proposals are due at 5:00 pm on December 18, 2024, and awards will be announced in February 2025. Support for this grant mechanism is provided by the Cornell Center for Immunology and the Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation.
Technological advances are rapidly improving our ability to decipher the complexities of disease and immunity. Continued discovery increasingly requires multidisciplinary collaboration, and the Center for Immunology is dedicated to supporting teams of investigators who are able to work together to tackle complex questions and develop innovative technologies that will drive discovery forward. The Center is pleased to invite applications from groups of at least two independent research programs (one of which must have immunological expertise) aiming to submit collaborative grants (standard NSF, NIH multi-PI R01, P01, DOD CDMRP, or similar) featuring an immunological element within two years of receiving pilot project funding.
All applications to this seed grant mechanism must have an immunology component and must be multidisciplinary. To be considered multidisciplinary, the application needs to integrate at least two approaches (e.g. immunology and genomics; basic and applied research; in vivo and in vitro cellular biology, etc). PIs that represent at least two different departments are encouraged.
We encourage inquiries concerning this funding opportunity. Please reach out to Deb Fowell (djf273@cornell.edu), who welcomes the opportunity to answer questions from potential applicants on project responsiveness to the RFA.
$50,000 for one year, per project
Total Possible Awards:
3 – 4.
Application Deadline – December 18, 2024
Notice of Award – February 2025
Funding Term – March 1, 2025 to March 1, 2026
- Applicants may request a maximum of $50,000 for the duration of one year and must meet Cornell’s eligibility requirements to serve as principal investigator on sponsored projects.
- While investigators from Weill Cornell cannot serve as PIs, collaboration across Cornell University campuses is welcomed and encouraged.
Application Process:
Applications may be submitted via email to centerforimmunology@cornell.edu and are due by 5:00 pm on December 18, 2024. Applications must be attached as a single PDF and should include the following:
- Cover page (1-page maximum), including:
- the name and contact information of the Principal Investigator and co-PI(s)
- the project title and scope
- be sure to draw a clear connection between the objectives and the relevance to extramural funding opportunities in the cover letter.
- Abstract of up to 250 words that is appropriate to share in the public domain.
- Research Plan (3-page maximum),including specific objectives of the collaborative proposal
- Significance and Innovation
- Preliminary data
- Experimental design
- Budget (1-page maximum)
- Biosketch for all PIs
Please include current and pending funding for all PIs, if not included within biosketch.
Use of Funds:
Funds are restricted to research expenses, core facility charges, and non-faculty personnel; they cannot be used to support travel, faculty salary, or equipment purchases. Indirect costs are excluded.
Evaluation Criteria:
A panel will review applications. The following items will be score-driving:
- scientific merit and impact of proposed work
- strength and synergy of the collaboration; new collaborations are encouraged
- potential for future extramural funding
Deb Fowell (djf273@cornell.edu)