
Diel de Amorim

My lab focuses its research on the maintenance of the regulation of the luteal cells during pregnancy and also the endometrial receptivity to the embryo and how inflammation influences pregnancy maintenance in the horse.


The Zeng laboratory at Weill Cornell is focused on investigating the role of the gut microbiome and diets in maternal-fetal/neonatal immune crosstalk and immune response in pregnant women and newborns. Ongoing studies in our ...
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My general research interest is immune regulation in dairy cows with a focus on the innate immune response in mastitis and metritis, 2 of the economically most important disease complexes in dairy cattle. The ...
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Jane Salmon

The goal of Dr. Salmon’s research is to identify predictors and determinants of disease phenotype in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and related diseases, and to thereby identify targets for therapy. In SLE and other ...
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I am interested in the interaction between the immune and endocrine systems, in particular how tissue-specific immune cells in reproductive and endocrine tissues regulate hormone production and action.


Julia Finkelstein

Nutrition, infection, and inflammation in pregnancy Role of key micronutrients (iron, vitamin B12, folate) in the etiology of adverse perinatal outcomes (including anemia, infections, birth defects) Design of interventions to improve the health of ...
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Doug Antczak

Immunological aspects of pregnancy; Immunogenetics; Immunity to Infectious Diseases. Primary species focus on the horse.


Soon Hon Cheong

My lab is interested in using comparative approaches to advance reproductive medicine including infectious diseases, reproductive immunology, microbiome of the reproductive system, and the effects on the early neonatal period.