

Carl Nathan

The lab studies host-pathogen interactions, focusing on macrophages and Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb). Most projects in the lab today fall into one or more of the following broad topics: host pathways controlling susceptibility and resistance ...
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Douglas Nixon

I am interested in host pathogen interactions in human retrovirus infections, including HIV-1 and human endogenous retroviruses.


Kyu Rhee

We are interested in the chemical biology of metabolism as a mediator of the host-pathogen interaction. We focus specifically on Mycobacterium tuberculosis and its ability to both asymptomatically infect and cause disease in humans.


David Russell

We study the biology of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and HIV-1 infections in the context of our evolving appreciation of myeloid cell heterogeneity in vivo. Our studies extend to human subject analysis in Malawi and South ...
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