

My general research interest is immune regulation in dairy cows with a focus on the innate immune response in mastitis and metritis, 2 of the economically most important disease complexes in dairy cattle. The ...
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Characterize host and bacterial pathways that are important in Mycobacterium tuberculosis survival in the host and identify targets whose inhibition will render Mtb more susceptible to host defenses.


Gary Whittaker

The structure and function of viral envelope proteins, how genomic mutations lead to changes in the envelope proteins and control viral pathogenesis in influenza viruses and coronaviruses,SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV and feline coronaviruses; novel vaccines and ...
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John Parker

My lab is interested in host-cell-virus interactions. We primarily study mammalian orthoreoviruses. Current projects include: mechanisms of viral compartmentalization and commandeering of the host translational machinery; viral mechanisms of counteracting the innate immune response; ...
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Kyu Rhee

We are interested in the chemical biology of metabolism as a mediator of the host-pathogen interaction. We focus specifically on Mycobacterium tuberculosis and its ability to both asymptomatically infect and cause disease in humans.


David Russell

We study the biology of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and HIV-1 infections in the context of our evolving appreciation of myeloid cell heterogeneity in vivo. Our studies extend to human subject analysis in Malawi and South ...
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Brian Lazzaro

Research in my group is focused on the evolutionary genomics of insect-pathogen interactions, emphasizing such questions as how natural selection operates on host immune systems, why individuals vary in susceptibility or resistance to infection, ...
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Yuxin Mao

Our lab studies Legionella infection and host interaction. Legionella are mainly environmental bacteria. Several species, in particular L. pneumophila and L. longbeachae, are pathogenic to humans Due to the development of artificial water systems, ...
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Sabine Ehrt

The lab is interested in the pathogenesis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and explores the mechanisms by which this pathogen establishes and maintains persistent infections.