

Extensive scientific background in immunology and infectious disease, having worked with T-cells in the context of mycobacterial infection


My lab is focused on understanding how bioactive lipids contribute to diet-microbiome and microbiome-host interactions.  We use techniques in molecular biology, mass spectrometry, microbial genetics, and genomics to understand the consequences of lipid transfer ...
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Saurabh Mehta

Given that a) the majority of the world is either over- or under-nourished; and b) diet and nutrition-related factors represent the largest proportion of risk factors for global mortality and morbidity, we often use ...
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I am interested in the interaction between the immune and endocrine systems, in particular how tissue-specific immune cells in reproductive and endocrine tissues regulate hormone production and action.


Brian Lazzaro

Research in my group is focused on the evolutionary genomics of insect-pathogen interactions, emphasizing such questions as how natural selection operates on host immune systems, why individuals vary in susceptibility or resistance to infection, ...
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Our lab is interested in developing advanced biomaterials for agricultural and biomedical applications with a particular focus on cell replacement therapies for type 1 diabetes (T1D). Most of our work, ranging from material synthesis ...
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Cedric Feschotte

The Feschotte laboratory study transposons and endogenous viruses primarily in vertebrates, including humans. We seek to characterize the impact of these elements on the evolution and physiology of their host species – including disease ...
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Julia Finkelstein

Nutrition, infection, and inflammation in pregnancy Role of key micronutrients (iron, vitamin B12, folate) in the etiology of adverse perinatal outcomes (including anemia, infections, birth defects) Design of interventions to improve the health of ...
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Maureen Hanson

Our lab studies immune dysregulation in the disease Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, by examining physiology of immune cells, levels of cytokines and other signaling proteins, cargo of extracellular vesicles, mitochondrial genomes, and transcriptomes of ...
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